The Usual Fool’s Guide to Hair Cuts, Part 1

I shaved my head by accident once.  I don’t mean that I fell down against something sharp, although I’ve done that too.  Usually I don’t fall head first though.  If I fell down against something that could shave my head, the story would likely begin thusly:  I decapitated myself by accident once.  Obviously, then it would be written by someone else.   In this Continue reading

When the Snowman Changed My Life (Part 2)

DISCLAIMER:  I have influenza (which is a dramatic way of saying “the flu”).  I’m pretty sure that this post isn’t contagious, but I ask that you be merciful as you read it.

The night I gained my superpower, I was outside in the middle of the night, completely unprepared for the wintry weather I had discovered.  Luckily I was enjoying the novelty of it all, or I might have realized how uncomfortable I was.

Before that night I hadn’t known that cold could hurt.  I was more familiar with heat, which I Continue reading

When the Snowman Changed My Life (Part 1)

DISCLAIMER:  I have influenza (which is a dramatic way of saying “the flu”).  I’m pretty sure that this post isn’t contagious, but I ask that you be merciful as you read it.

I have a superpower, and no, I’m not delirious with fever.  Don’t get too excited; it’s nothing that lets me fight crime, and I’m not about to post pictures of myself in a flashy leotard.  (Not that I wouldn’t create a uniform for myself in a second with the slightest provocation.)  Continue reading